About our Advocacy
As the peak industry body for the mortgage and finance broking industry, we advocate for our members through our direct engagement with all levels of government, regulators and other industry bodies.
We represent our members to shape positive industry change, through direct engagement with all levels of government, regulators and other industry bodies.
We are involved in both formal and informal advocacy activities, participating in industry consultations, submissions, roundtables and inquiries, bringing a “coal-face” perspective of the mortgage and finance broking industry in our engagement with key stakeholders including ASIC, AFCA, ACCC and Treasury.
Through well-researched, evidence-based strategies and transparent communications with government, regulators and other industry bodies, the MFAA is a proven and respected representative of the industry.
The MFAA informs its advocacy approach through:
We’re proud to lead from the front on the big issues that affect our industry, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to advocating for the industry on issues affecting brokers.